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PROTECT YOUR 401K & IRA NEST EGG from the coming market crash.

The stock market crash in 2008 loss 6.9 trillion in shareholders' wealth. The coronavirus effect can be much greater than the 2008 market crash.

If you own a 401K, IRA, or Mutual Funds (retirement accounts), there is a way to protect your hard-earned money with growth and floor (guaranteed not to lose your principal money). To learn more about how to protect your retirement account, sign up or call our office for more information. It's your nest egg -- protect it and keep it! But you have to act fast.

According to recent surveys, North Americans are facing serious financial challenges.

  • 33%, of more than 77 million Americans don't pay their bills on time.

  • 39% carry credit card debt from month-to-month.

  • 38 million Americans are currently living paycheck-to-paycheck.

  • Only 59% of adults say they have savings.

  • Worse, more than half now think it's acceptable to default on their mortgage if they can't afford to pay it.

It's ironic, we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, but we always have money problems. We can work hard all our lives but retire poor. We do so much to raise our kids just to see them finish college with a lot of debt. Debt becomes a way of life. 

The best we can hope for is to get your attention and interest in financial matters to learn the basics of how money works. It's the first step towards your financial future. Like many of us, once you enter the gate of financial knowledge, you'll discover that it's doable to understand, plan, and build a financial foundation for you and your family.

Read on to learn what you can change today to better your future.

Schedule a Confidential Foreclosure

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We specialize in helping homeowners who may be experiencing financial hardship or need guidance in learning the solutions to your real estate and financial needs. 

1. Death in the family - Possible Probate matter.

2. Divorce with real estate involved. 

3. Illness.

4. Loss of a job.

U.S. Homeowners:

Are you in foreclosure and need help?

You probably receive a letter from us about how we can help.

The fact that being sued in court by your lender is a frightening experience.  We understand, and we empathize with what you are going through. We have helped many homeowners in the same situation you are experiencing. So, YES, WE CAN HELP. We have been doing this service since 2004. But you have to act and do something about it NOW. 

If you have done the following with no success:

  • Negotiate with your lender with no success.

  • Filed bankruptcy but went back to foreclosure.

  • Tried to sell your house.

  • Exhausted your savings and or retirement accounts and end up back where you started.

The scarier part of getting foreclosed on are:

  • Having no roof over your head.

  • Getting a "Deficiency judgment" after the bank already took your house. You will still owe them!

  • Forgiveness of the "Deficiency Judgment" but pay taxes on it. Now you will be dealing with the IRS.

  • Having no money to get your next place.

  • The foreclosure judgment will stay on your credit report for at least 7 years.

To have a better understanding of your situation and find a solution to avoid foreclosure, CALL TODAY at (239) 770-6402 for a free consultation. Time is not on your side.


See the "Testimonials" from previous clients, and "About Us" to learn more about who we are. 

FREE Workshop Schedule

Where: Due to the current coronavirus                             situation, all workshops are done                         online via Zoom.

               (Twelve-Twenty-Two Office Suites

               1222 SE 47th Street

               Cape Coral Florida 33904)

When:   By Appointment

Time:     10 am (60-90 minutes)

Please RSVP by submitting your information below. RSVP is required. Seats are limited.



Increase Cash Flow

Debt Management

Building A Strong Financial Education

Proper Protection

Building Wealth

Asset Accumulation

Retirement Planning

Wealth Preservation

Building a Business in The Financial Industry


Helping Hand.jpg

Avoid Foreclosure at all Cost

"We will Take Over Payments"

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